Guide Uniform Badges – Collective Emblems

Arts and Crafts

Awarded if you gain five badges of your own choice from:

Announcer, Art, Collector, Craft, Entertainer, Floral Art, Hobby, Musician, Music Lover, Reader, Stitchery, Toymaker, Writer


Awarded if you gain Camping Skills badge and three badges of your own choice from:

Camp Cooking, Hiker, Horticulturist, Knotter, Map Reader, Meteorologist, Naturalist, Rural Industries, Pioneer


(When doing Challenge badges you are expected to choose the clauses which will be a challenge to you.)

Awarded if you gain:

Junior First Aid or Junior Nurse badge, Camp Tenderfoot or Bush Challenge, Accident Prevention or Self Improvement Challenge, Creativity Challenge or Housekeeper Challenge, Guiding Challenge, One Eight Point Badge


The word Endeavour refers to your effort and Captain Cook’s ship

Awarded if you gain:

One badge from each Collective Emblem – Service, Fitness, Little House, World Friendship, Arts and Crafts, Bushcraft and hold an Eight Point badge


Awarded if you gain Health Badge and four badges of your own choice from:

Agility, Athlete, Boatswain, Cyclist, Dancer, Horsewoman, Sportsgirl, Swimmer

Little House

Awarded if you gain five badges of your own choice from:

Cake Decorator, Cook, Handywoman, Homemaker, Hostess, Knitter, Laundress, Needlewoman, Pet Keeper


Awarded if you gain First Aid badge and three badges of your own choice from:

Child Nurse, Disability Awareness, Emergency Helper, Firefighter, Home Nurse, Lifesaver, Secretary

World Friendship

Awarded if you gain the Golden Trefoil or World Trefoil and three badges of your own choice from:

Asia Pacific, Australia, Australian Aborigine, Communicator, Good Neighbour, Heritage, Philatelist, Postal, Radio Communication, Traveller

Or gain Golden Trefoil and World Trefoil and two badges of your own choice.