Guide Uniform Badges – Victorian State

Victorian State Badge

The first mention of a State Badge for Victoria was in “Matilda” (the State Magazine) in March 1926, where the Executive Committee of the time, resolved that the State badge should be a single sprig of wattle in enamel however Miss Kay Shuttleworth suggested that part of the Victorian crest should be used, so giving the Girl Guide State badge a historic link with their State.

In “Matilda”, December 1926, the following reference appeared under the heading

‘State Badge’: “Several of the Australian States have already chosen their designs, and it was decided that the badge for Victoria should be a sprig of wattle.

The Executive decided, however, to ask for further designs, which should be approximately the size of a Tenderfoot Badge and be representative of the State. Designs should be sent to the State Secretary by 1 March 1927”.

By April 1927, only two designs had been received – one, a Federal star with the State’s initial in the centre and the other the Southern Cross on a blue **lozenge surmounted by a crown. The second design was chosen and was shown to the Leaders attending the Commissioners Conference in 1927 who, all agreed that it clearly depicted the State of Victoria.  

Miss Margaret Moore, one of our early Guiders and Commissioners, suggested this design but as she was not an artist she asked Miss Dorothea Holtz, another of the pioneers of Victorian Guiding, to draw the actual badge design for her to submit.

This design was presented to the State Executive Committee on 24 August 1927 and was ratified and so Victoria had their own Girl Guide State Badge. The announcement appeared in “Matilda” in December 1927.

The Victorian State Badge went on sale in the Guide Shop for the first time in August 1928, and cost 1/6 (about sixteen cents) for metal Guiders badge and 6d (about six cents) for the cloth badge worn by the Girls and this same design after 80 years is still worn by the members of Girl Guides Victoria.

**According to Heraldry a woman may have their own coat of arms however instead of the shield shape of the men’s coat of arms the women’s were in the shape of a lozenge or “diamond shape”.